Athletic Yoga: Camatkarasana (Wild Thing)

In this Friday’s Athletic Vinyasa Flow, we take our gentler seated twists and backbends to our feet with a sequence that includes one of my favorites: Wild Thing (Camatkarasana). While technically different from Flip Dog, they’re very close cousins and many instructors use them interchangeably. (In Flip Dog, you’re a bit closer to a wheel pose, whereas the easier Wild Thing is more asymmetrical.)

Often, instructors lead yogis to Wild Thing from Down Dog (Adho Much Svanasana), but I like coming it at it from this Plank / Side Plank sequence because the shoulders are a little better aligned, and you have to use the core to make the shape, rather than relying on momentum coming out of Down Dog.

All of the 2024 Mindfulness Series can be found, organized by week/theme, at