Daily Flow Practice

Vivid red lady bug on a dewy green leaf

The Niyamas : Saucha

So Saucha, Purity, is about how you regard and purify (and keep pure) your body. But it's about more than that. We all think of the same "pure" imagery, I'm sure: virginity, doves, driven snow.

Read “The Niyamas : Saucha”

The Daily Flow Blog Series

As Daily Flow continues to expand, you'll see an evolution in how the Daily Flow Blog is presented. I called this blog “Daily Flow Practice” because it's not a blog in the traditional sense. Yes, I offer some reflection and musings, but it's really the best way I could come up with to organize our journey together.

I hope you agree, and I hope you'll take time to explore, comment and share so that we can get a conversation going!
