I am not a scholar. I am a student, just like you.

And in my quest to develop a deeper understanding of yoga’s ancient roots, I’m taking on a weekly deep dive into one aspect of the Eight Limbs of Yoga, as set forth in The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali.

I welcome your insights and comments on this journey as we explore, together, this ancient yoga text.

The Yoga Sutras are the Yogic Science of the Mind (compared to Ayurveda, the Yogic Science of the Body). So these prescriptions from Patanjali are there not to make us “better” or “nicer” but to bring our minds into harmony with all that surrounds us.

If you’re looking for The 2024 Mindfulness Series (“The Power of…” posts), visit the Mindfulness Series page.

The Yamas : Ahimsa

The first of the Yamas sounds simple. It’s usually translated, “Do No Harm” or “Cause No Pain.” Easy, right? Don’t punch anybody in the face. Don’t be rude to waiters. Be “nice.”

Read “The Yamas : Ahimsa”

The Yamas : Aparigraha

The fifth (and final) of the five Yamas is Aparigraha, which can be translated as “non-greed” or “non-grasping.” I had never considered before that grasping non-material things — like my […]

Read “The Yamas : Aparigraha”