Slow Flow Moon Salutations Chandra Namaskara

First of all, one of my cameras didn’t record, so you’ll see this whole video in profile. That doesn’t change the beauty of these Moon Salutations (Chandra Namasakara).

Why should the sun get all the attention? The symmetry and hip opening of this sequence is not necessarily “easy,” but it feels really nice to open up the hips and hamstrings … which is also great for low back pain. We’ll take two rounds slowly to gain familiarity with the sequence, then we’ll flow one-breath-per-movement.

This sequence incorporates crescent lunges (Anjaneyasana), yoga squats (Malasana), Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) and Pyramid (Parsvottanasana).

Remember, you can always find these flows organized by topic / week at