Meditation to Create Space

If you’re going to embrace The Power of No, you — we — need to create space in which to exist. If you move the world occupying the rooms you’re in (rather than hiding in the metaphorical corner). By envisioning an orb around you, or perhaps a You-Shaped Blob, you can expand that orb / blob to fill the entire space you occupy.

Every person deserves to take up space, and many of us make ourselves smaller. This is especially true when we feel nervous or intimidated by a circumstance. Very few of the people who hold power will willingly surrender it. So inhabit it. Folks you encounter may not know what has changed about you, but they’ll recognize it. (You can tell because they’ll say things like “you look great … you’re glowing … I like this outfit.” They’re saying that stuff because it’s easy. You and I know the truth.)

Following yet? Do it!