Group of people practicing yoga.

Live Donation-Based Classes

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For James’s other classes visit the events calendar.

Class Details

Fridays : May 10, 17, 24, 31
8:30-9:15 a.m. All-Levels Vinyasa Yoga
9:15-9:30 a.m. Guided Meditation
Eastern / NYC Time

In Person: Ripley Grier Studios, 520 8th Avenue, Studio 10A

For this class, you may participate in person in New York City or on Zoom.


Will the yoga be hard?

This is an all-levels Vinyasa class with a focus on stretching and linking breath and movement. That said, if you have never practiced yoga before and are unfamiliar with basic shapes like “downward facing dog,” I encourage you to spend a little time with my other videos beforehand.

What if I can’t be there live?

All registrants will receive a private YouTube link for the classes which you practice at their leisure! So if you miss the live class or want to repeat it on your own, no worries!

Will people be able to see me?

You’re more than welcome to turn your camera off, but I hope you’ll at least start and end class with it on so that we can start getting to know each other. Of course, there’s a good chance that these first few classes will only be one or two of us “live,” but you’ve got to start somewhere!

I have another question…

Shoot me an email if there’s something I haven’t thought of.


Please login or create an account to register for class.

In order to more actively build community and protect our members, Daily Flow is now requiring participants to create a free account. You only have to do it once! Email James if you need any help!

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