You Are Becoming Who You Are … Which May Be Who You Were

This is some heady stuff. I admit it. But it occurs to me that all this striving to change and evolve is really all about boiling down to who we always were. To the essence of our deepest, truest selves. That version of ourselves that might not even have a clear form. That “self” that is eternal.

I can’t pretend to understand how it works, but I do believe that there is an eternal part of us. I don’t know if that eternal part returns to this plane as a new reincarnated being or if it rejoins the creative spirit / God in some kind of “heaven.” Frankly, it doesn’t matter to me what is “really” happening.

But I do believe that the journey of this life is to cultivate and return to that eternal spirit NOW in THIS lifetime or incarnation. Maybe all of this evolving and striving is really about becoming who we always were.

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