Listen to Your Heart

heart-shaped flowers

As you wrap up your first month, let’s come into a lighter space of love and gratitude. I don’t mean romantic love (necessarily) but the spirit of generosity and kindness that permeates all aspects of creation. Call it the Prana, Chi or the Holy Spirit: it’s all the energy that connects us to creation.

“Listen to Your Heart” Activities

Journal Prompt

It can be easier to show others more compassion than we show ourselves. This week, let’s focus on you.

If you journal once this week… Start with yourself. As they say, you have to put on your own oxygen mask first. What do you love about yourself? If you do this for ten minutes (set that timer), you’ll have to go beyond the easy things and start to get really specific about what you love most about yourself (and why!). If something less-positive crops up, write it on a separate page outside of this notebook. Then tear it up or burn it at the end of the ten minutes. Seriously. Do that.

If you journal more than once… Stay with yourself.

  1. Reflect on ways you can nurture yourself this week. Are there moments of self care that would serve no purpose other than bringing a little joy to your day? How would it feel if you had a moment of quiet … if you took time out to read your favorite magazine … if you splurged on that bougie coffee drink you’d normally avoid? These things are worthy if they only make you feel good, but try to follow this line of thinking beyond that: How would it affect the rest of your day? How would taking five extra minutes to enjoy your lunch ripple out in your mood and how you interact with others around you?
  2. How do you talk to yourself? I’ve spoken with several of you over the last few weeks, and so many of you beat yourselves up if something is difficult for you, or if you miss a day or two. I can only imagine how that must show up in other parts of your life. Our time together is a microcosm of your “real” life, so practice talking to yourself like you would a loved one or close friend … someone who missed a day of meditation for crying out loud! Or if your friend found holding a downward facing dog challenging, would you tell them they’re worthless and lazy? I hope not! Practice that self-talk here so that you’re ready for it when those thoughts come up in other parts of your life.

If you have completed the journal prompts above, then simply let yourself write for ten minutes without any rules or restrictions. Consider the prompts, your previous journal entries this week, and just let your pen go!

Yoga Flow

Many thanks to The Mercedes Club, Hell’s Kitchen, NY, for letting me record these yoga flows in their gorgeous yoga studio.


If you prefer to meditate on your own, unguided: Listen to your heart — not in the sappy, dreamy way. Actually experience your heartbeat.

This program is presented by James Donegan / JDFitNYC and has no relationship with Equinox, Mercedes Club or any other facility where Mr. Donegan is employed. Any one participating in a physical activity, especially those who may be pregant or nursing, should consult a physician before beginning a physical exercise program.

Nothing that appears in this blog or on this website is intended to treat or diagnose any disorder, physical or otherwise. Always consult a physician before beginning any exercise program.