Week Zero : Intentions Can Shift

Hello, friends.

Last year, I set about to create a way to help us all find a way to incorporate daily mindfulness practice into our daily lives. (Myself included.)

My idea was simple: combine mindfulness modalities to create an accessible way to drop in and live more deliberate, intentional lives. As a result, I created The Thirty Minute Life Change. I was — and remain — very proud of this program.

Then I got ambitious. I do what I always do:
I turned this passion project into a job.

I decided there should be an app with subscriptions. That people should be able to create custom flows and it will remind them to check in and there will be longer classes and I’ll do a podcast and I’ll write a blog and I’ll find other teachers to create classes and … and … and … 

That kind of ambition is great, and I still think those are great ideas, but every time I started to work on it, there was no joy. There was only dread at facing a seemingly-insurmountable mountain of work.

I realized all I didn’t know about running an online training system, and without sufficient financial resources to farm out some (most?) of the work, it seemed like an impossible mountain to climb.

I got lost.

I stepped out of the flow.

I’m back, baby

So what happened? Why are we here now? I realized that what really gives me joy is teaching and sharing these things I am really quite passionate about. I love yoga, meditation and — simply — helping folks lead more mindful lives. I’m just not quite ready to turn it into a business with all of the trappings that implies.

So I stepped into 2024 with the resolve to just make videos. They won’t always be out on time, and sometimes there will be glitches, but I will make something every single day. And I will share it. Not because I think I have any answers, but because I recognize that my own seeking is stronger in community with you all.

Hopefully, I’ll get into a rhythm and things will go more smoothly, but it’s entirely possible that I’ll bump along for awhile.

And that’s OK.

My solemn pledge to you is that I’ll do my best.

I invite you to do yours.


Nothing that appears in this blog or on this website is intended to treat or diagnose any disorder, physical or otherwise. Always consult a physician before beginning any exercise program.